p N 6519 C8 H4 GOMBO ZHEBES. LITTLE DICTIONARY OF CREOLE PROVERBS, SELECTED FROM SIX CREOLE DIALECTS. TRANSLATED INTO FRENCH AND INTO ENGLISH, WITH NOTES, COMPLETE INDEX TO SUBJECTS AND SOME BRIEF REMARKS UPON THE CREOLE IDIOMS OF LOUISIANA. BY LAFCADIO HEARN. NEW YORK: WILL H. COLEMAN, PUBLISHER, No. 70, BUSINESS QUARTER, ASTOA HOUSE. 1885. Entered according to Act of Congress, in tne year 1885, by WILL H. COLEMAN, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. KESEKVED. INTRODUCTION. Any one who has ever paid a flying visit to New Orleans probably knows something- about those various culinary preparations whose generic name is " Gombo "—compounded of many odds and ends, with the okra-plant, or true gombo f or a basis, but also com prising occasionally "lote", zepinard, laitie," and the other vegetables sold in bunches in the French market. At all events any person who has remained in the city for a season must have become familiar with the nature of " gombo file," " gombo fevi," and " gombo aux herbes," or as our colored cook calls it, " gombo zhebes— for she belongs to the older generation of Creole cuisiniercs, and speaks the patois in its primitive purity, without using a single "r." Her daughter, who has been to school, would pronounce it gombo zhairbes-.—ihe modern patois is becoming more and more Frenchified, and will soon be alto gether forgotten, not only throughout Louisiana, but even in the Antilles. It still, how ever, retains originality enough to be understood with difficulty by persons thoroughly familiar with French; and even those who know nothing of any language but English, readily recognize it by the peculiarly rapid syllabification and musical intonation. Such English-speaking residents of New Orleans seldom speak of it as t" Creole": they call it gombo, for some mysterious reason which I have never been able to explain satis factorily. The colored Creoles of the city have themselves begun to use the term to characterize the patois spoken by the survivors of slavery days. Turiault tells us that in the towns of Martinique, where the Creole is gradually changing into French, the Bitacos, or country negroes who still speak the patois nearly pure, are much ridiculed by their municipal brethren:— Ce mal. (L~s coups rendus ne font jamais de mal.) " Blows returned never hurt."— Vengeance is sweet.— [Mauritius.] 20. Bef pas bousoin lakhe li yon sel fois pou chass6 mouche. (Le boeuf n'a pas besoin de sa queue une fois seulement pour chasser les mouches,) " It isn't one time only that the ox needs his tail to drive the flies away."— Ironical expression for " you will have need of me again."3— [Martinique.] 21. Bef pas jamain ka die savane, " Meci ! " (Le bceuf ne dit jamais a la savane, " Merci I ") s "Ox never says 'Thank you,' to the pasture."-*— [ Trinidad.] 22. Befs laquee en lere, mauvSa temps napas loin. (Les boeufs ont la queue en 1'air, le mauvais temps n'est pas loin.) "When the oxen lift their tails in the air, lookout for bad weather."— [Mauritius. 23. * Bel tignons pas fait bel negresse. (Le beau tignon ne fait pas la. belle negresse.) " It isn't the fine head-dress that makes the fine negress."— [Louisiana.] 24. Benefice ratt, c'est pou sepent. (Le benefice du rat, c'est pour le serpent.) " The rat's gains are for the serpent."— [Martinique.] 25. Bon bagout cappe lavie. (Bon bagou sauve la vie.) " Good gab saves one's life." — [Mauritius.] 26. Bon blanc mouri; mauvais rete. (Le bon blanc meurt ; le mauvais [m6chant]reste.) jC " The good white man dies ; the bad remains."— [Hay ti.] 27. Bon-bouche ka gagnin chouvals a credit. (La bonne bouches obtient des chevaux a credit.) " Fair words buy horses on credit."— [Trinidad.] 1 The sarcasm of this proverb appears to be especially levelled at the rich. In other Mauritian proverbs the house of the rich man is always spoken of as the house covered with shingles, in contradistinction to the humble slave cabins, thatched with straw. 2 Passe— lit :" past"— therefore synonymous with "beyond." Word for word the trans lation would be:— "The stick is not strong beyond the sword." But the Creole generally uses"plis passe" instead of the French plus.... que ("more than"). "Victorine li plis zolie pass6 Alphonsine "—Victorine is more pretty than Alphonsine. The Creole passe is really adverbial; bearing some semblance to the old English use of the word "passing," as in "passing strange," "passing fair." s This proverb may be found in all the Creole dialects of the West Indies. We have in the South a proverb to the same effect in English : Flytime will come again, and the ox will want his tail. * A proverb current in Martinique, Louisiana, etc., with slight variations. Favors or services done through selfish policy, or compelled by necessity, do not merit acknowledgment. s The Louisiana "tiyon or tig ••» on [tiyon is the true Creole word] isthe famously picturesque handkerchief which in old days all slave women twisted about their heads. It is yet worn by the older colored folk : and there are several styles of arranging it— tiyon c/iinoise, tiyon Creole, etc. An old New Orleans ditty is still sung, of which the refrain is :— Madame Caba ! Tiyon vous tomb6 ! Madame Caba, Tiyon vous tomb6 ! " Madame Caba, your tiyon's falling off ! " e That is to say : la bonne tongue;— " the good tongue gets horses on credit." 10 LITTLE DICTIONARY OF CREOLE PROVERBS. 28. * Bon chien pas janmain trapp6 bon zo. (Jamais un bon chien n'obtient un bon os.) 44 A good dog never gets a good bone." — Creole adaptation of an old French proverb. — [Martinique.'] 29. Bon coq ehant6 dans toutt pouleille. (Un bon coq chante dans tout [n'importe quel] poulailler.) 41 A good cock crows in any henhouse."— Meaning that force of character shows itself under all circumstances.— [Martinique.'] 30. Bondi<5 bailie noue^ett pou §a qui pas ni dent. (Le Bon Dieu donne deg noisettes a celui quin'a pas de dents.) 4' God gives nuts to people who have no teeth." Originally an Oriental proverb ; adopted into Creole from the French. As we say : 4' A fool for luck."— [.Martinique}. 31. Bon-Gueka bailie ti zoueseau dans bois mange, jige si 11 pas ke bailie chritien mange. (Le Bon Dieu donne a manger aux petits oiseaux qui sont dans les bois; jugez s'il ne donnera pas d manger a un Chretien.)1 44 God gives the little birds in the wood something to eat ; judge for yourself, then, whether he will not give a Christian something to eat."— [Martinique.'} 32. Bon lilit, bon menaze. (Bon lit, bon menage.) 44 Where there's a good bed, there's good housekeeping."— [Mauritius.} 33. Bon pie sauve mauvais co. (Un bon pied sauve un mauvais corps.) 44 A good (swift) foot saves a bad (weakly) body."— Like our proverbial refrain : "He that fights and runs away," etc. '•'—[Martinique.'} 34. * Bon-temps fait crapaud manque bounda. (Le bon temps fait manquer de derriere au crapaud.) 44 Idleness leaves the frogs without buttocks."— [Louisiana'}. 35. * Bon-temps pas bosco. (Le bon temps n'est pas bossu.) 44 Good fortune is never hunch- backed." (Same proverb in Martinique dialect, and in that of Louisiana.)^— [Trinidad.] 36. Bon valett ni lakhe coupe\ (Le bon valet a la queue couple.) 41 The good servant's tail is cut off."— Reference to the condition of a dog whoso tail is cut off : he can't wag his tail, because he has no tail to wag !•*— [Martinique.] 37. * Bouche li pas ni dimanche. (Sa bouche n'a pas de dimanche.) "His mouth never keeps Sunday"— lit : ''has no Sunday"— no day of rest.— [Mart.] i Such a conversation as the following may not unfrequently be heard among the old colored folk in New Orleans : — — " Eh I Marie ! to pape traval jordi ? — 44 Moin ?— non ! " — " Eh, ben ! comment to fe pou vive, alors? — '4 Ah ! — ti 2020 li Ua boi, li ha mange, li pas travai toujou ! " work to-day ?" 4'I? — no I " 44'1 drinks, little bird eats, little bird does'nt work all the — *n.tv . . . . , (/(, '4,{)6*) iv n,t* uvt) n fVi* ffiU'/i-yt/^ t/t jfujo vi tn;u/c i ['4 Hey, Marie I— Ain't you going to work to-day ? " 4l I ?— no I " k4 Well then, how do you manage to live ?" "Ah! — little bird drinks, little bird eats, ~ 2 Or like the Old Country saying 4k Better a good run than a bad stand." a In Creole bon temps most generally signifies 4k idleness," and is not always used in a pleasant sense. Prov. 35 is susceptible of several different applications. 4 The good servant does not fawn, does not flatter, does not affect to oe pleased with everything his master does— he may emulate the dog in constant faithfulness, not in fawning. LITTLE DICTIONARY OF CREOLE PROVERBS. 11 38. Boucoup disic dans Cannes, m6s domaze marmites napas nous. (Beaucoup de sucre dans les cannes, mais par malheur nous ne sommes pas les marmites.) "Plenty of sugar in the canes; but unfortunately we are not the boilers."— Said when dishonesty is discovered in the management of affairs.— [Mauritius.] 39. Boudin pas tini zoreles. (Le ventre n'a pas d'oreilles.) "The belly has no ears."— [Trinidad.] 40. * Bouki fait gombo, lapin mange li. (Le bouc fait le gombo, le lapin le mange.) " He-goat makes the gombo ; but Rabbit cats it."i— [Louisiana.] 41. C,a ou j6t6 jodi epis pie, ou ramase6 li dimain epis lanmain. (Ce que voua rejetez aujourd'hui avec le pied, vous le ranaaeserez demain avec la main.) *' What you push away from you to-day with your foot, you will pick up to-morrow with your hand. "2— [Martinique.'} 42. Qa ou p6di nen f e ou va trouve nen sann. (Ce que vous perdez dans le feu, vous le retrou- verez dans la cendre.) 44 What you lose in the fire, you will find in the ashes."— Meaning that a good deed is never lost. " Cast your bread upon the waters," etc.— [Martinique.] 43. * C,a qui bon pou zoie, bon pou canard. (Ce qui est bon pour 1'oie, est bon pour le canard.). " What is good for the goose is good for the duck."— Martinique. 44. C,a qui boude manze boudin. (Celui qui boude mange du boudin.) " He who sulks eats his own belly." That is to say, spites himself. The pun is un- translatable."3— [Mauritius.] 45. C,a qui dourmi napas pens6 manze. (Qui dort ne pense pas a manger.) 44 When one sleeps, one doesn't think about eating."*— [Mauritius.] 46. C,a qui fine gout6 larac zames perdi son gout. (Celui qui a goute 1'arac n'en oublie jamaisle gout.) 44 He who has once tasted arrack never forgets the taste."— [Mauritius.] 47. Qa qui gagne piti mil dehors, veille laplie. (Celui qui a un peu de mil dehors veille la pluie.) 44 He who has [would raise] a little millet out of doors, watches for rain."— [Hayli.] X 48. C,a qui gagne zoli fille gagne coudesapeau. (Celui qui a une jolie fllie revolt des coups de chapeau.) 44 He who has a pretty daughter receives plenty of salutes. "—[Mauritius.] 49. C,a qui mange z6 pas save si bonda poule fait li mal. (Ceux qui mangent ne savent pas si le derriere de la poule lui fait mal.) 44 Those who eat eggs don't know whether the chicken suffered."5— [Martinique] 50. Qa qui ni bon pie prend douvant. (Celui qui a bon pied prend le devant. 4k He who is swift of foot takes the lead." Force of character always brings its pos sessor to the front.— [Mart.] i This proverb is founded upon one of the many amusing Creole animal-fables, all bear ing the title : Compe Bouki epis Compe Lapin) "Daddy Goat and.Daddy Kabbit ".) The rabbit always comes out victorious, as in the stories of Uncle Remus. 2" Waste not, want not." 3 Boudin in French signifies a pudding, in Creole it also signifies the belly. Thus there is a double pun in the patois. ^ " Qui dort, dine/' is an old French proverb. 5 A little too vulgar for literal translation. Those who profit by the misfortunes of others, never concern themselves about the suffering which they take advantage of. 12 LITTLE DICTIONARY OF CREOLE PROVERBS. . C,a qui pas bon pou sac pas boa pour tnaconte. (Ce qui n'est pas bon pourle sac, n'est pas pour le maconte. " What is not fit for the bag, is not fit for the maconte."i— [Hayti.] 52. C,a qui prend zassocie prend maite. (Celui qui prend un associe prend (se donne) un maitre. " He who takes a partner takes a master."— [Martinique.] 53. Qa qui ti bien fere, zames ti mal fere. (Ce qui est bien fait, n'est j imais mal fait. " What's rightly done is never wrongly done."— That is to say : Never regret anything done for a good motive.— [Mauritius.] 54. C,a qui tine poelon qui cone so prix lagresse. (C'est celui qui tient le poelon qui connait le prix de la grasse.) "It's the one who holds the skillet that knows the cost of lard."— [Mauritius.] 55. Qa qui touy6 son lecorps travaille pour leveres. (Celui qui tue son propre corps, tra- vaille pour les vers.) "He who kills his own body, works for the worms." Applicable to those who injure their health by excesses.— [Mauritius.] 56. C,a qui vie couve, couve su ze yo. (Ceux qui veulent couver, qu'elles convent leurs propres oeufs.) 44 Let those who want to hatch hatch their own eggs."— That is, let everybody mind his or her own business. — [Martinique] 57. * C,a va rive dans semaine quatte zheudis. (Cela va arriver dans la semaine de quatre j»adis.) '• That will happen in the week of four Thursdsiys."*— [Louisiana.] 58. C,a zie pas voue khe pas f e mal. (Ce que les yeux ne voient pas, ne fait pas de mal au coeur.) " What the eyes don't see never hurts the heart.3— [Martinique.] 59. Cabritt^ boue, mouton sou. (Quand la chevre boit, c'est le mouton qui est soul.) " When the goat drinks, they say the sheep is drunk." — Meaning that the innocent are made to suffer for the guilty. — [Martinique.] 60. Cabritt li ka mont6 roche, li descende. (Chevre qui a monte un rocher doit en descendre.) "The goat that climbs up the rocks must climb down again.— [Guyana] *61. Cabritt pas connaitt goumeV' inais cui li batte la charge. (La chevre ne sait pas le battre; mais son cuir [sa peau] bat la charge.) " The goat does not know how to fi^ht ; but his hide beats the charge."— [Hayti.] 1 Wold in Trinidad Creole. Maconte is probably from the Spanish macona, a basket with out handles. The Hajtian maconte is a sort of basket made of woven grass, and used for carrying all kinds of articles. It is strapped to the shoulders. 2 Ironically said to those who make promises which there is no reason to believe will ever bd fulfilled. s Ce que yex ne voit, cuer ne deut, is a French proverb of the 13th century, from which was probably derived our own saying : " What the eye doesn't see, the heart doesn't grieve after." 4 Oabri in French signifies a kid; in Creole it signifies either a, kid or a goat— more gen erally the latter. The word was originally spelled with a finaH,1 and the Creoles of the Antilles have generally preserved the letter, even in pronunciation. I have purposely retained the various spellings given by various authors. „ 5 Goume, or in some dialects, goumein* is said by Turiault to be a verb of African origin— Etude sur la langage Creole, page 143. Still we have the French word gourmer^ signifying to curb a horse, also, to box, to give cuffs. LITTLE DICTIONARY OF CREOLE PROVERBS. 13 62. Cabritt qui pas malin pas gras. (La chevre qui n'est pas maligne n'est pas grasse.) " The goat that isn't cunning never gets fat."— [Martinique. ] i. 63. Cabrite qui pas malin mange nen pi6 morne. (La chevre qui n'est pas maligne, mange au pied du morne.) "The foolish goat eats at the foot of the hill."— [Hayti.\ 64 Canari vie rie chodier. (Le canari [le pot] veut rire de la chaudiere [la marmitel.) *' The clay-pot wishes to laugh at the iron pot."i— [Trinidad.] 65. Cancrelat sourti dans lafarine. (Le cancrelat [ravet] sort de la farine.) " The roach has come out of the flour-barrel."— Said to women of color who whiten their faces with rice-powder.— [Mauritius.] 66. Canna pa ni d'leau pou li baingnein i le trouve pou li nage". (Le canard n'a pas de 1'eau pour se laver, et il veut trouver assez pour iiager.) "The duck hasn't enough water to wash with, and he wants enough to swim in." —Refers to those who live beyond their means.— [Martinique. \ 67. * Capon vive longtemps. (Le capon vit longtemps.) "The coward lives a long time."2— [Louisiana.] 68. * Qaquene senti so doule"re. (Chacun sent sa douleur.) " Everybody has his own troubles." — [Mauritius.] 69. Carbon zames va done la farine. (Le charbon jamais ne donnera de farine.) " Coal will never make flour."— You can't wash a negro white.— [Mauritius. 70. Qatte boire dilhouile enbas latabe. (Le chat boit 1'huile sous la table.) " Cat's drinking the oil under the table."— People are making fun at your expense, though you don't know it. — [Mauritius.'} 71. qatte noir apele larzent.s (Un chat noir presage [appelle] de 1'argent.) "A black cat brings money (good luck.) "— [Mauritius.] 72. qatte qui ena matou fere lembarras. (La chatte qui a un matou fait ses embarras,) "The she-cat who has a tom-cat, puts on airs."— [Mauritius.] 1 " Pot calls the kettle black." The clay pot (canari) has almost disappeared from Creole kitchens in Louisiana; but the term survives in a song of which the burthen is : " Canari casse dans dife." 2 The word capon is variously applied by Creoles as a term of reproach. It may refer rather to stinginess, hypocrisy, or untrutht'ulness, than to cowardice. We have in New Orleans an ancient Creole ballad of which the retrain is: Alcee Leblanc Mo di toi, chere, To trap capon Pou paye menage! C'est qui di cu, — Ca que di toi chere, Alcee Leblanc! In this case the word evidently refers to the niggardliness of Alcee, who did not relish the idea of settling $500 or pernaps $1,000 of furniture upon his favorite quadroon girl. The song itself commemorates customs of slavery days. Those who took to themselves colored mis tresses frequently settled much property upon them— the arrangement being usually made by the mother of the girl. Housekeeping1 outfits of this character, constituting a sort of dowry, ranged in value from $500 to even $2.500 ; and such dowries formed the f < >undation of many celebrated private lodging houses in New Orleans kept by colored women. The qua droon housekeepers have now almost all disappeared. 3 This is certainly of Engiisn origin. 14 LITTLE DICTIONARY OF CREOLE PROVERBS. 73. Qatte qui fine bourle av dife pere lacende. (Le chat qui s'est brule" avec le feu, a peur de/ la cendre.) " When a cat has been once burned by fire, it is even afraid of cinders."— [Mauritius. 1\. 74. Causer c<§ manger zoreies. (Causer, c'est le manner des oreilles.) " Conversation is the food of the ears."— [Trinidad.] 75. C'est bon kh6 crabe qui lacause li pas tini tete. (C'est a cause de son bon cceur que le crabe n'a pas de t6te.) "It is because of his good heart that the crab has no head." 1— [Martinique.] 76. *C'est couteau qui connaite c.a qui dans coeur geomon. (C'est le couteau qui sait ce qu'il y a dans le coaur du giromon.) "It's the knife that knows what's in the heart of the pumpkin.".2— [Martinique.'] " 77. C'est cuiller qui alle lacails gamelle ; gamelle pas jamain alle lacail cuiller. (C'est la cuille qui va a la maison de la gamelle ; jamais la gamelle ne va a la maison de la cuiller.) "Spoon goes to bowl's house ; bowl never goes to spoon's house."— [Hayti.] 78. C'est douvant tambou nion connaitt Zamba. (C'est devant le tambour qu'on reconnait Zamba.) " It's before the drum one learns to know Zamba."— [Hayti.] 79. C'est langue crapaud^ qui ka trahi crapaud. (C'est la langue du crapaud qui le trahit.) "It's the frog's own tongue that betrays him."— {Trinidad.'] 80. C'est Ihe vent ka vent<§, moun ka ouer lapeau poule. (C'est quand le vent vente qu'on peut voir la peau de la poule— lit.: que le monde peut voir.) " It's when the wind is blowing that folks can see the skin of a fowl."— True character is revealed under adverse circumstances. — [Trinidad.] 81. C'est nans temps laplle bef bisoen lakhe li. (C'est dans le temps de pluie que le bceuf a besoin de sa queue.) " It's in the rainy season that the ox needs his tail.— (See Martinique proverb No. 20.) [Trinidad.] 8:2. C'est pas toutt les-jou guiabe n'empote you pauve nhomme. (Ce n'est pas tous les jours qui le diable emporte un homme pauvre.) " It isn't every day that the devil carries off a poor man."— [Martinique.] 83. C6 souliers tout-sel qui save si bas tini tous. (Ce sont les souliers seuls qui savent si les bas ont des trous.) " It's only the shoes that know if the stockings have holes."— [Trinidad.] 1 Implies that excessive good nature is usually indicative of feeble reasoning-pow^r. 2 This proverb exists in five Creole dialects. In the Guyana patois it is slightly diu'erent : Couteau ounso connain quior iniam (le couteau seul connaitle cceur de 1'igname.) "It's only the knife knows what's in the heart of the yam." a Cole or Caille, as sometimes written, is a Creole word of Carib origin. In the cities of the Antilles case is generally substituted— probably derived from the Spanish casa, " house." 4 In some of the West Indies the French word crapaud. seems to have been adopted by the Creoles to signify either a toad or a frog, as it is much more easily pronounced by Creole lips than grenouille, which they make sound like "gwoonou'iUe." But in Louisiana there is a word used for frog, a delightful and absolutely perfect onomatopoeia : ODAOUABON (wah- wahron). I think the prettiest collection of Creole onomatopoeia made by any folklorist is that in Baissac's Etude sur le Patois Creole Mauricien, pp. 92-95. The delightful little Creole nursery- narrative, in which the cries of all kinds of domestic animals are imitated by patois phrases, deserves special attention. LITTLE DICTIONARY OF CREOLE PROVERBS. 15 84. Chaque bete-a-fe claire pou nanme yo. (Chaque mouche-a-feu 6claire pour son ame. " Every fire-fly makes light for its own soul;" that is to say, "Every one for him self."— [Martinique.'] 85. Chatt pas hi, ratt ka bailU bal. (Absent le chat, les rats donnent un bal.) " When the cat's away the rats give a ball."— [Martinique.'] 86. * Chatte brile pair di feu. (Le chat brule a peur du feu.) " A burnt cat dreads the fire."— [Louisiana.] 87. Chien connaitt comment li fait pou manger zos. (Le chien sait comment il fait pour manger les os.) '' The dog knows how he manages to eat bones." — [Hayti.] 88. Chien jamain morde petite li j usque nen zos. (La chienne ne mord jamais see petits jusqu'al'os.) " The bitch never bites her pups to the bone."— [IIayti.~\ 89. * Chien jappw li pas morde. (Le chien qui jappe ne mord pas.) " The dog that yelps doesn't bite."— [Louisiana.] 90. Chien pas mange chien. (Les chiens ne mangent pas les chiens.) " Dogs do not eat dogs."— [Louisiana.] 91. Chien qui fe" caca dans chimin li blie, mais £a qui tire pas blie. (Le chien qui fa.t caca sur le chemin, oublie; mais celui qui 1'en ote, n'oublie pas.) " The dog that dungs in the road forgets all about it, but the person who has to remove it does not forget."— [Martinique.'] 92. Chien tini guiole fote a cai'e maite li. (Le chien a la gueule forte dans la maison de son maitre.) " The dog is loud-mouthed in the house of his master." — [Martinique.] 93. Chien tini quate patte, mais li pas capabe prend quate chimin. (Le chien a quatrepattes nifc is il ne peut pas [n'est pas capable de] prendre quatre chemins.) "The dog has four paws but is not able to go four different ways [at one time]."— [Martinique.] 94. Chouval rete nen zecurie, milett nen savane. (Le cheval reste dans 1'ecurie, le mulct. dans la savane.) " The horse remains in the stable, the mule in the field."2— [Martinique.] 95. *Cila qui rit vendredi va pleure dimanche. (Celui qui rit le vendredi va pleurer le dimanche.) " He who laughs on Friday will cry on Sunday." There is an English proverb, " Sing at your breakfast and you'll cry at your dinner." — [Louisiana.] 96. Ciramons pas dorme calabasse. (Le giraumon ne donne pas la calebasse.) "The pumpkin doesn't yield the calabash."— Hayti. 1 Ba'dl (to give) affords example of a quaint French verb preserved in the Creole dialect, —battler. It can be found in MOLIERE. Formerly a Frenchman would have said, " BaHler sa foi, bailter sa parole. It is now little used in France, except in such colloquialisms as , " Vous me la baillez belle ! " 2 Each one must be content with his own station. Here the mule seems to represent the slave ; the horse, the muster or overseer. s I give the spelling Ciramon as I find it in Mr. Bigelow's contributions to Harper's Maga zine, 1875. (See BIBLIOGKAPHY.) Nevertheless I suspect the spelling is wrong. In Louisiana \Jreole we say Giromon. The French word is Giraumon. 16 LITTLE DICTIONARY OF CREOLE PROVERBS. 97. *Cochon connS sir qui bois l'ap<§ frotte. (Le cochon salt bien pur quel arbre [bois] il va se f rotter.) " The hog knows well what sort of tree to rub himself against."i— {Louisiana.'} 98. Coment to tale to natte faut to dourmi. (Comment tu e tends ta natte il faut que tu te couches.) " As you spread your mat, so must you lie."— [Mauritius.} 99. *Compe Torti va doucement ; mais li rive cot6 bite pendant Compe Chivreil ap£ dormi. (Compere Tortue va doucement ; mais il arrive au but pendant que Compere Chev- reuil dort. " Daddy Tortoise goes slow ; but he gets to the goal while Daddy Deer is asleep."2 — [Louisiana.] ^/ 100. Complot plis fort passe ouanga. s (Le complot est plus fort que 1'ouanga.) 2 " Conspiracy is stronger than witchcraft." — [Hayti.] 101. Conseillere napas payere. (Le donneur de conseil n'est pas le payeur.) " The adviser is not the payer." That is to say, the one who gives advice has nothing to lose.— [Mauritius.] 102. Coq cante divant la porte, doumounde vini. (Quand le coq chante devant la porte quelqu'un vient.) " When the cock crows before the door, somebody is coming."*— [Mauritius.'] i In most of the Creole dialects several different versions of a popular proverb are current. A friend gives me this one of proverb 97 : Coc/ion-marron cpnne enhaiit qui bois li frotte. ("The wild hog knows whattree to rub himself upon.") Marron is applied in all forms of the Creole patois to wild things ; zhebes matrons signifies " wild plants." The term, couri-marron, ornegue- marron formerly designated a runaway slave in Louisiana as it did in the Antilles. There is an old New Orleans saying : " Apres ye tire canon This referred to the old custom in New Orleans of firing a cannon at eight p. M. in winter, and nine p. M. in summer, as a warning to all slaves to retire. It was a species of modern curfew-signal. Any slave found abroad after those hours, without a pass, was liable to arrest and a whipping of twenty-five lashes. Marron, from which the English word "Maroon" is derived, has a Spanish origin. "It is," says Skeats, "a dipt form of the Spanish cimarron, wild, unruly : literally, " living in the mountain-tops." Cimarron, from Span. Cima, a mountain-summit. The original term for "Maroon" was negro-cimarron, as it still is in some parts of Cuba. 2 Based upon the Creole fable of Compere Tvrtue and Compel Chevreuil, rather different from the primitive story of the Hare and the Tortoise. s Di moin si to gagnin nhomme I Mo va fe ouanga pou li ; Mo f^ li tourne f antome Si to vie mo to mari — " Tell me if thou hast a man [a lover] : I will make a ouanga for him— I will change him into a a ghost if thou wilt have me for thy husband." — This word, of African origin, is applied to all things connected with the voudooism of the negroes. In the song, Dipi mo vout, tone Adele. from which the above lines are taken, the wooer threatens to get rid of a rival \>y ouanga— to "turn him into a ghost." The victims of voudooism are said to have gradually withered away, probably through the influence of secret poison. The word gri- gri, also of African origin, simply refers to a charm, which may be used for an innocent or innocuous purpose. Thus, in a Louisiana Creole song, we find a quadroon mother promis ing her daughter a charm to prevent the white lover from forsaking her ; Pou tchombe li na fe grigri—" We shall make a grigri to keep him." 4 This is also a proverb of European origin. The character of Creole folklore is very different from European folklore in the matter of superstition. LITTLE DICTIONARY OF CREOLE PROVERBS. 17 103. Cououi pas laide, temps lafoce pas Id. (Ce n'est pas laid de courir, quand on n'a pas de force.) " It isn't ugly to run, when one isn't strong enough to stay."— [Trin.] 104. Coup de lan?ue pis mauvais piqu sipenfc. (Un coup de langue est plus mauvais qu'une piqure de serpent. " A tongue- thrust is worse than a serpent's sting."— [Martinique.] 105. Coudepied napas empece coudecorne. (Les coups de pied n'empechent pas les coups de corne. " Kicking doesn't hinder butting." There is more than one way to revenge one self .—[Mauritius. 1 106. Coupe son nenez, volor so flguire. C~!ouper son nez, c'est voler sa figure.) " Cutting off one's nose is robbing one's face."— [Mauritius.] 107. * Coupe zore milet fait pas choual. (Couper les oreilles au mulet, n'en fait pas un cheval. " Cutting off a mule's ears won't make him a horse."1— [Louisiana.] 108. Couroupas danse, zaco rie. (Le couroupas [colimacon] danse le singe rit.) " Monkey laughs when the snail dances."2 — [Mauritius.] 1C9. Qouval uapas marce av bourique. (Le cheval ne marche pas avec I'&ne. "The horse doesn't walk with the ass."— Let each keep his proper place.— [Mauritius.] 110. Couyenade c'est pas limonade. (Couillonade n'est pas limonade.) "Nonsense is not sugar-water" (lemonade), says Thomas. The vulgarity of the French word partly loses its grossness in the Creole.— [Trinidad.] 111. Crabe pas mache, li pas gras;— li mache touop, et li tombe1 nans chodier. (Le crabe ne marche pas, il n'est pas gras ; il marche trop, et il tombe dans la chaudiere). "The crab doesn't walk, he isn't fat; he walks too much, and falls into the pot."— [Trinidad.] 112. * Crache nen laire, li va tombe enhaut vou nez. (Crachez dans 1'air, il vous en tombera sur le nez). " If you spit in the air, it will fall back on your own nose. "3 — [Louisiana.] 113. Crapaud pas tin! chimise, ous vie li ppte canecon. (Le crapaud n'a pas de chemise, et vous voulez qu'il porte calecon). " The frog has no shirt, and you want him to wear drawers I"— [Trinidad.] 114. Cresson content boire dileau. (Le cresson aime d boire 1'eau). " The water cress loves to drink water." Used interrogatively, this is equivalent to the old saw : " Does a duck like water ?" " Will a duck swim?"— [Mauritiu-s.] 115. Croquez maconte ou oueti* main ou ka rive. (Accrochez votre maconte ou. vous pouvez 1 ^tteindre avec la main [lit. ou votre main peut arriver].) " Hang up your maconte where you can reach it with your hand."— [Hayti.] 1 This seems to me much wittier than our old proverb : " You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear." 2 Probably had its origin in a Creole conte. Same applications as Proverbs 2>6, 263, 315. s Like our proverb about chickens coming home to roost. If you talk scandal at random, the mischief done will sooner or later recoil upon yourself. I find the same provero in the Mauritian dialect. 4 The Martinique dialect gives both oti and outi for " ou " : " where." Mr. Bi°relow gives the curious spelling crogms. The word is oertaitily derived from the French, accrocher. In Louisiana Creole we always say 'croche for "hang up." I doubt the correctness of the Haytian spellijiy as here given : for the French word croquer ("t^ devour," "gobble up," " pilfer," etc.) has its Creole counterpart; and the soft ch is never, so far as I" can learn, changed into the k or g sound in the patois. 18 LITTLE DICTIONARY OF CREOLE PROVERBS. f!16. D'abord vous guett<5 poux de bois mange" bouteille, croquez calabasse vous haut. (Quand vous voyez les poux-de-bois manger les bouteilles, accrochez vos calabasses [en] haut). 44 When you see the woodlice eating the bottles, hang your calabashes out of their reach." i—[Hayti.1 ^ 117. D'abord vous guette poux de bois mange" can iri, calebasse pas capabe prend pied. (Quand que vous voyez les poux-de-bois manger les marmites, les calebasses ne peuvent pas leur resister). 44 When you see the wood-lice eating the pots, the calabashes can't be expected to 118. Dans inariaze liciens, temoins gagne batte. (Aux noces des chiens, les te'moins ont les coups.) 44 At a dog's wedding it's the witnesses who get hurt." — [Mauritius ,~[ 119. Dei'er chein, c& " chein "; douvant chein, ce 4l Missier Chein." (Derriere le chien, c'est '4 chien," mais devant le chien, c'est " Monsieur le Chien.") 44 Behind the dog's back it is ' dog ;' but before the dog it is 4 Mr. Dog.' "— [ Trinidad.'] 120. Dent morde" langue. (Les dents mordent la langue.) 44 The teeth bite the tongue."— [Hayti.] 121. Dents pas ka pote dei. (Les dents ne portent pas le deuil.) "Teeth do not wear mourning."— meaning that, even when unhappy, people may show their teeth in laughter or smiles.— \_Trinidad.~] 133. Dent pas kh6 ('4 Dents pas coeur " — Les dents ne sont pas le coeur). 44 The teeth are not the heart." A curious proverb, reffrring to the exposure of the teeth by laughter."3— [Martinique.] 123. * Di moin qui vous laimein, ma di vous qui vous y6. (Dites moi qui vous aimez, et je vous dirai qui vous etes.) 44 Tell me whom you love, and I'll tell you who you are."— [Louisiana.'] 124. Dileau dourmi touy6 dimounde. (L'eau qui dort tue les gens.) 44 The water that sleeps kills people."*— [Mauritius.'} 125. Dimounde qui fere larzent, napas larzent qui fere dimounde. (Ce sont les homines qui font 1'argent, ce n'est pas 1'argent qui fait les bommes.) " It's the men who make the money ; 'tisn't the money that makes the men."— [Mauritius. ] 126. Divant camrades capabe largue quilotte. (Devant des camarades on peut lacher sa culotte.) ''Before friends one can even take off one's breeches."— [Mauritius.'] 1 Mr. Bigelow is certainly wrong in his definition of the origin of the word which he spells quete. it is a Creole adoption of the French guetter* 44 to watch :" and is used by the Creoles in the sense of " observe," perceive," " see." Other authorities spell it guette, as all verbs ending in "ter" in French make their Creole termination in "te." This verb is one of many to which slightly different meanings from those belonging to the original French words, are attached by the Creoles. Thus fappe, from echapper^ is used as an equivalent for sauver. 2 The saliva of the tropical woodlouse is said to be powerful enough to affect iron. 3 The laugh or smile that shows the teeth does not always prove that the heart is merry. 4 44 Still waters run deep." The proverb is susceptible of various applications. Every one who has sojourned in tropical, or even semi-tropical latitudes knows the deadly nature of stagnant water in the feverish summer season. LITTLE DICTIONARY OF CREOLE PROVERBS. 19 127. Divant tranz6s faut boutonn6 cannecon. (Devant des etrangers il faut boutonner son calecon.) " Before strangers one must keep one's drawers buttoned. — [Mauritius. ~\ 128. Eizef s canard pli gros qui dizefs poule. (Lcs oeufs de cane sont plus gros que lea oeufs do poule. " Ducks' eggs are bigger than hens' eggs."— Quantity is no guarantee of quality. — [Mauritius.] 129. Dizefs coq, poule qui fere. (Les oeufs de'coq, c'est la poule qui les fait.) "It's the hen that makes the cock's eggs."— \Mauritius.] 130. * Dolo toujou couri lariviere. (L'eau va toujours a la riviere.) " Water always runs to the river." — [Louisiana.'} 131. Doucement napas empece arrived. (Aller doucement n'empeche pas d'arriver. " Going gently about a thing won't prevent its being done."i— [Mauritius.'] 132. Fair pou fair pas mal. (Faire pour f aire n'est pas [mauvais] difficile.) "It is not hard to do a thing for the sake of doing it."— [Trinidad.] 133. Faut janmain mett racounna dans loge poule. (II ne faut jamais mettre un raton dans la loge des poules. " One must never put a 'coon into a henhouse."— [Martinique.] 134. Faut jamais porte deil avant d^flnt dars cerkeil. (II ne faut jamais porter le deuil avant que le defunt soit dans le cercueil.) "Never wear mourning before the dead man's in his coffin."'— [Louisiana.] 135. Faut paouoles mor poulnoune pe vivre. (II faut que les paroles meurent, afin que le monde puisse vivre.) " Words must die that people may live."— Ironical ; this is said to those who are over sensitive regarding what is said about them."— [ Trinidad.] 136. Faut pas casse so male avant li fine mir. (II ne faut pas casser son mal3 avant qu'il soit mur.) " Musn't pluck one's corn before it's ripe."— [Mauritius.] 137. * Faut pas marre tayau* avec saucisse. (II ne faut pas attacher le chien-courant (tal'ant) avec des saucisses.) " Musn't tie up the hound with a string of sausages."— [Louisiana.] 138. Fere ene tourou pour bouce laute. (II fait un trou pour en boucher un autre.) " Make one hole to stop another." " Borrow money to pay a debt." — [Mauritius.] 139. Gambette ous trouve gan chernin, nen gan chemin ous va pede li. (Le gambette que vous trouvez sur le grand chemin, sur le grand chemin vous le perdrez. "Every jack-knife found on the high-road, will be lost on the high-road. "^—[Hayti.] 1 Literally : " Gently doesn't prevent arriving." One can reach his destination as well by walking slowly, as by making frantic haste. 2 A Creole friend assures me that in Louisiana patois, the word for coon, is chaoui. This bears so singular a resemblance in sound to a French word of very different mean ing— chat-huant (screech-owl) that it seems possible the negroes have in this, as in other cases, given the name of one creature to another. Don't anticipate trouble: "Never bid the devil good morrow till you meet him. Bigelow. The ordinary French signification of gambette is "red-shank — 20 LITTLE DICTIONARY OF CREOLE PROVERBS. 140. Gens bon-temps kdlle" die gouvene"r bon-jou. (Les gens [qui ont du] bon-temps vont dire bon-jour au gouverneur.) " Folks who have nothing to do (lit. : who have a fine time) go to bid the Governor good-day." Gens bon-temps ; " fine-time folks."— [Trinid ad. } 141. * Gens f Sgnants ka mande travai 6 pis bouche ; main khers yeaux ka pouier Bondi6 pou yeaux pas touver. (Les gens faineants demandent avec leurs bouches pour du travail . mais leurs coeurs prient le Bon Dieu [pour] qu'ils n'en trouvent point.) " Lazy folks ask for work with their lips : but their hearts pray God that they may not find it."— [Trinidad.] 143. Gens qui ka ba ous consei gagnen chouval gouous-boudin nans Ihouvenal'e, nans caremo pas ka rider ous nouri li. (Les gens qui nous donnent oonseil d'acheter un cheval a gros-ventre pendant 1'hivernage, ne veulent point vous aider a le nourrir pendant le care" me.) "Folks who advise "you to buy a big-bellied horse in a rainy season (when grass is plenty),won't help you to feed him in the dry season when grass is scarce."i— [Trinidad.'] 143. Gouie passe" difil sivre". (Ou 1'aiguille passe, le fil suivra.) " Where the needle passes thread will follow."'— [Mauritius.] 144. Graisse pas tini sentiment. (La graisse n'a pas de sentiment.) " Fathasno feeling."3— [Trinidad.] 145. Haillons mie passe tout nu. (Les haillons sont mieux que de rester tout nu.) " Rags are better than nakedness." Half-a-loaf 's better than no bread."— [Hayti.] 146. Ha'i moune ; main pas bateaux paiien pou chafer dleau. (Hais les gens ; mais no lour donne pas des paniers pour charrier de 1'eau.) "Hate people; but don't give them baskets to carry water in."— that is to say: Don't tell lies about them that no one can believe— stories that "won't hold water." — [Trinidad.] 147. *Jadin loin, gombo gate. (Jardin loin, gombo gate1.) " When the garden is far, the gombo is spoiled."*— [Martinique] 148. *Jamais di : Fontaine, mo va jamais boi to dolo. (Ne dis jamais— Fontaine, je ne boirai jamais de ton eau.) • "Never say— ' Spring, I will never drink your water. '"$— [Louisiana.] 149. Janmain guiabe ka domi. (Jamais le diable ne s'endort.) "The devil never sleeps.— [Martinique] iThis is J. J. Thomas' translation, as given in his "Theory and Practice of Creole Gram mar." LhauvsM&e is a word which does not exist in our Louisiana patois. Does it come from theSpaniaii Hover—" to rain "? or is it only a Creole form of the French hivernage? Careme, of course means Lent ; whether the dry season in Trinidad is concomitant with the Letiten epoch, or whether the Creoles of the Island use the word to signify any season of scarcity, I am unable to decide. 2 When a strong man has opened the way, feebler folks may safely follow. sThere may be some physiological truth in this proverb as applied to the inhabitants of the Antilles, where stoutness is the exception. Generally speaking phlegmatic persons are inclined to fleshiness. 4 This appears to be a universal Creole proverb. If you want anything to be well done, you must look after it yourself : to absent oneself from one's business is unwise, 's The loftiest pride is liable to fall ; and we know not how soon we may be glad to seek the aid of the most humble. LITTLE DICTIONARY OF CREOLE PROVERBS. 21 150. Janmain nous ne pas doue ladans quiou poule compt6 ze. (II ne faut jamais [nous ne devcns jamais] compter les oaufs dans la derriere de la poule.) '» We should never count the eggs in the body of the hen."— (The '. >ceole proverb is, however, less delicate.)— [Martinique.] 151. Joue epis chatt ou trappe coup d'patte. (Jouez avec le chat, et vous attrapperez un coup de patte.) "Play with the cat, and you'll get scratched." -[Martinique.] 152. *Joue 6 pis chien ou trappe1 pice. (Jouez avec les chiens, vous aurez des puces.) " Play with the dogs, and you will get fleas." 1— [Martinique.'] 153. *Joudui pou ous, demain pou moin. (Aujourd'hui pour vous, demain pour moi.) " To-day for you ; to-morrow for me." 1— \_Hayti.] 154. La oti zoueseau ka fe niche yo, c'est la yo ka couche". (Oft les oiseaux font leur nids, Id ils se couchent.) " Where the birds build their nests, there they sleep."— [Martinique.'] 155. Laboue moque lamare. (La boue se moque de la mare.) " The mud laughs at the puddle."— Like our : " Pot calls kettle black."— [Mauritius.'] 158. Lacase bardeaux napas guette la case vitivere. (La maison Lcouverte de] bardeaux ne regarde point la case couverte de vetiver.) "Th^ house roofed with shingles doesn't look at the hut covered with vetiver." — {Mauritius.] 157. * Lagniappe c'est bitin qui bon. (Lagniappe c'est du bon butin.) " Lagniappe is lawful booty."s— [Louisiana.] 158. Laguer veti pas ka pouend viex negues nans cabarets. (La guerre avertie ne prend pas de vieux negres dans les cabarets.) *• Threatened war doesn't surprise old negroes in the grog-shops."*— [Trinidad.] 159. * Laguerre vertie pas tchue beaucoup soldats. (La guerre avertie ne tue pas beaucoup de soldats.) "Threatened war doesn't kill many soldiers."— [Louisiana] 160. Lakhebef dit: Temps alle, temps vini. (La queue du bceuf dit: Le temps s'en va, le temps revient.) 44 The ox's tail says : Time goes, time comes. "$— [Martinique] 161. Lalangue napas lezos. (La langue n'a pas d'os). " The tongue has no bones." This proverb has various applications. One of the best alludes to promises or engagements made with the secret determination not to keep them. — [Mauritius.] 1 This seems to be a universal proverb. In Louisiana we say : Jouc evec Vic/iien, etc. 2 Current also in Louisiana : Jordi pou vou, etc.: " Your turn to-day; perhaps it may be mine to-morrow." s Lagniappe, a word familiar to every child in New Orleans, signifies the little present given to purchasers of groceries, provisions, fruit, or other goods sold at retail stores. Groceries, especially, seek to rival each other in the attractive qualities of their lagniappe; consisting of candies, fruits, biscuits, little fancy cakes, etc. The chief purpose is to attract children. The little one sent for a pound of butter, or "a dime's worth" of sugar, never fails to ask for its lagniappe * Proverbs 158-9 are equivalent to our " Forewarned is forearmed." s See Proverb 22. Whether the swing of the tail suggested the idea of a pendulum to the deviser of this saying is doubtful. The meaning seems to me that the motion of the ox's tail indicates a change not of time, but of weather (temps). '22 LITTLE DICTIONARY OF CREOLE PROVERBS. 162. * Lamisere a deux, Misere et Compagnie. (La misere a deux, c'est Misere et Compagnie.) "Misery for two, is Misery & Co." 1— [Louisiana.] 163. Lapauvete napas ene vis, mes li ene bien RTOS coulou. (La pauvretS n'est pas une vis [un vice] ; mais c'est un bien gros clou.) " Poverty isn't a screw; but it's a very big nail." The pun will be obvious to a French reader; but vice is not a true Creole word, according to Baissac."— [Mauritius.] 164. Lapin dit: Boue toutt, mange toutt, pas dit toutt. (Le lapin dit: Buvez tout, mangez tout, ne dites pas tout.) " Rabbit says : Drink everything, eat everything, but don't tell everything." 2— [Mar tinique.] 165. Laplie tombe1, couroupas va sourti. (La pluie tombe, les colima£ons vent sortir.) " It is raining ; snails will be out presently."— [Mauritius.] 166. * Laplie tombe\ ouaouaron chanted (Quand la pluie va tomber, les grenouilles chantent.) " When the rain is coming, the bull-frogs sing."— [Louisiana.] 167. Laquee bourique napas laquee couval. ( fine queue d'ane n'est pas une queue de cheval.) '• A donkey's tail is not a horse's tail." Can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.— [Mauritiut.] 168. Larzan bon, mes li trop cere. (L'argent est bon, mais il est trop cher.) " Money's good ; but it's too dear."— [Mauritius.] 169. Larzan napas trouve dans lipied milet. (L'argent ne se trouve pas dans le pied d'un mulct.) " Money isn't to be found in a mule's hoof."— [Mauritius.] 170. Larzan napas ena famille. (L'argent n'a pas de famille.) " Money has no blood relations."— There is no friendship in business.— [Mauritius.] 171. * La-tche chatte pousse avec temps. (La queue du chat pousse avec le temps.) " The cat's tail takes time to grow."— [Louisiana.] 173. Lepe dit aime ous pendant li rouge doighte ous. (La lepre dit qu'elle vous aime pendant qu'elle vous ronge les doigts.) " The leprosy says it loves you, while it is eating your fingers."— [Hayti.] 173. L'here coq gante, li bon pour marie. (Quand le coq chante, il est bon a marier.) " When the cock begins to crow, he is old enough to get married."— [Mauritius.] 174. Lhere lamontagne bourle, tout dimounde cone ; Ihere lequere bourle, qui cone ? (Quand la montagne brule, tout le monde le sait; quand le coeur brule qui le sait?) " When the mountain burns, everybody knows it ; when the heart burns, who knows it?"— [Mauritius.] 175. Li alle 1'ecole cabritt, li ritoune mouton. (II est alle a 1'ecole [comme un] cabri ; il est revenu mouton.) " He went to school a kid, and came back a sheep."3— [Martinique.] 1 Refers especially to a man who marries without havinjr made proper provision for the future. The Creole does not believe in our reckless proverb: "What will keep one, will keep two." Non, non, cher, lamisered deux, Misere & Cie.f 2 Pounded upon a celebrated Creole table : see Prov. 40 (note). a The allusion to the overgrown and shy schoolboy, who has lost the mischievous play fulness of his childhood, is easily recognizable. Creole planters of the Antilles generally sent their sous to Europe to be educated. LITTLE DICTIONARY OF CREOLE PROVERBS. 23 176. Li fine vende so cocon. (II a vendu son cochon.) "He has sold his pig."i— [Mauritius.] 177. Li lacasse zozos pariaca. (II chasse aux oiseaux d paliaca.) " He's hunting paliaca-birds."2— [Mauritius.} 178. Li manque lagale pour gratte. (II [ue] manque [que] de gale pour se gratter. [Lit. In good French : II ne lui manque que la gale, etc.]) " He only wants the itch so that he may scratch himself." Said of a man who has all that his heart can wish for.s— [Mauritius.} 179. Li pour mariit<§. "Tafla always tells the truth."*— [Louisiana.} 306. Tambou tini grand train pace endidans li vide. (Le tambour va [lit : tientl grand train parcequ'il est vide en dedans.) "The drum makes a great fuss because it is empty inside."2-[rrinuZod.1 307. Tamp6e ka gagnen malhers ka doublons pas sa gueri. (Un 4tamp<§e' achete desmal- heurs que les doublons ne peuveut pas guerir.) "A penny buys troubles that doubloons cannot cure."— [Trinidad.} 308. * " Tant-pis " n'a pas cabane. (" Tant-pis " n'a pas de cabane.) " ' So-much-the-worse " has no cabin.'"3— [Louisiana.] 309. Temps moune connaite 1'aute nans grand jou, nans nouite yeaux pas Wso^n ohandelle pou clairer yeaux. (Quand on connait quelqu'un [lit : un autre] dans Je grana jour, dans la nuit on n'a pas besoin d'une chandelle pour s'Sclairer.) 44 When one person knows another by broad daylight, he doesn't need a candle to recognize him at night."*— [Trinidad.] 310. * Temps present gagnin assez comrne ya avec so quenne. (Le temps present en a assez comme 9a avec le sien.) 44 The present has enough to do to mind its own affairs."5— [Louisiana ] 311. * Ti chien, ti codon. (Petit chien, petit lien.) 44 A little string for a little dog."— [Martinique ] 312. Ti hache coup6 gouaus bois. (line petite h*che coupe un grand arbre.) 44 A little axe cuts down a big tree."— [Martinique ] 313. Ti moun connaitt couri, yo pas coanaitt serre". (Les enf ants— lit : 44le petit monde"— savent courir; ilsne sa vent pas se cacher.) 44 Children (little folk) know how to run; they do not know how to hide."— [Martinique.} 314. Tig m6, chien ka prend pays. (Quand le tigre est mort, le chien prend le pays.) 44 When the tiger is dead, the dog takes [rules] the country."— [Martinique.} 315. Toti se vole si li te tini plimm. (Le tortue volerait si elle avait des ailes.) 44 The tortoise would fly it it had win^s."*5— I Martinique.] 1 Tafla is the rum extracted from sugar-cane. 44 In vino veritas." 2 In Louisiana Creole, faire di-train is commonly used iu the sense of making a great noise, a bi* fuss. An old riegro-servaut might often bo heard reproving the children of the hou^e i n some such fashion as this :— 4' Ga f—pouki tape fait tou di-train la ?— Toule pe f- pas fait ton di-train inoditoi!" (Here, what are you making all that noise tor? — are you gomg to keep qus-jt? -musn't make so much noise, I tell you !") 3 Tais proverb is the retort for the phrase: 44 So much the worse for you." Sometimes one might hear a colored servant for example, warning the children of the house to keep out of the kitchen, which in Creole residences usually opens into the great court-yard where the little onws p'ay: Eh, pitis ! fautpas rester Id : vous ka casser tout! (vk Hey I little ones, musn't stay there: you'll break everything!") If the father or mother should then exclaim 4k Tant pis'pour euxf"— so much the worse for them if they do break everything, you would hear the old worn in reply : " Tant- pis n'a pas cabane!" — 44 So-much-the-worse has no cabin" — i.e., nothiner to lose. She believes in an ounce of prevention rather than a pound of cure. 4 When a person has once given us positive evidence of his true character, we do not need any information as to what that person will do under certain circumstances. 5 Literally the proverb is almost untranslateable. It is cited to those who express need less apprehension of future misfortune. 4k Mo va daanin mnlhe"^(I am going to have trouble.) " Ale, ale! ct&rel—t.emv* present Qignin a^sez comme ja auec so qutiitie," (Ah, my dear I the present has enough trouble of its own.) « " Pigs might fly," etc. 36 LITTLE DICTIONARY OF CREOLE PROVERBS. 316. Tout bois re" bois : Main mapou Pas 'cajou. (Tout bois c'estdubois; Mais ie mapou N'est pas de 1'acajou.) "All wood is wood; but mapou wood isn't mahogany (cedar) "i— [Trinidad.] 317 * Tout fa c'est commerce Man Lison. (Tout fa c'est affaire de Maraan Lison.) " All that's like Mammy Lison's doings."2— [Louisiana.] 318. Tout fa qui pote" z^pron pas maquignon. (Tout homme qui porte eperons n'est pas maquignon.) "Everybody who wears spurs isn't a jockey." All is not gold that glitters.— [Martinique.] 319. Toutt cabinett tini maringouin. (Tout cabinet contient des maringouins.) " Every bed-chamber has its mosquitoes in it."— Equivalent to our own proverb; A skeleton in every closet. — [Martinique.] 330.— * Toutt joue c'est joue ; mais casee bois dans bonda macaque— fa pas joue. (Tout [fagon de] jouer c'est jouer; mais ce n'est pas jouer que de casser du bois dansle derriere du macaque.) s— [Martinique.} 331. *.Toutt jour c'est pas dimanche. (Tous les jours ne sont pis le dimanche.) " Every day isn't Sunday."— Louisiana. 333. Tou jwe sa jwe1; me bwa lazore sa pa jvve. (Tout [facon de] jouer c'est jouer ; mais enf oncer du bois dans 1'oreille n'est pas j ouer.) '• All play is play ; but poking a piece of wood into one's car isn't play."— [Guyane.] 833. *Tout macaque trouve so piti joli. (Tout macaque trouve son petit joli.) " Every monkey thinks its young one pretty."— [Louisiana ] 324. Toutt milett ni grand zaureilles. (Tout les mulcts ont des gran des oreilles.) "All mules have big ears."— Equivalent to our proverb: "Birds of a leather flock together."— Martinique. 1 Thomas translates cajou, by "cedar." Acajou in French, signifies mahogany, as it does also in Louisiana Creole. There is an old song, of which the refrain is : Cher bijou Dicajou, Mo laiwin vow ("My darling mahogany jewel, I love you I ") 2 "Whenever a thing 13 badly done, this saying- is used;— commerce in the Creole Signifying almost the re verse of what it does in French. Who that traditional Man Lison was, j. have never been able to find out. s This ridiculous observation is unsuitable for translation. Nevertheless we have an English, or pern ips an American, proverb equally vulgar, which may have inspired, or been derived from, the Creole one. In the Enplish saying, the words " joking " and "provoking" are used as rhymos. The moral is precisely similar to that of No. 333. In old days the Creole story-teller would always announce his intention of beginning a tale by the exclamation " Tlm-tim /" whereupon the audience would shout in reply, " Bois sec ;" and the story-teller would cry again, " Cassez-li," to which the chorus would add " . . . . dans tchu (bonda) macaque" Thus the story-teller intimated that he had no inten tion of merely 'yofcfnff. out- intended to tell the whole truth and nothing else— "a real good story "— tois fois bonne conte! LITTLE DICTIONARY OF CREOLE PROVERBS. 37 825.—* Tontt mounn save ?a qui ka boul nens canari yo. (Toute personne sait ce qui bout flans son canari [marmite].) " Everybody knows what boils in his own pot "— 1. e., knows his own business best.i— [ Martinique. ] 8?C. Traval pas mal ; ce ziex qui capons. f(Le travail ne fait pas du mal ; c'est les yeux qui sont capons I laches].) " Work doesn't hurt ;— 'tis the eyes that are cowards."— [Miuritim.] 327. Trop gratte bourle. (Trop gratter brule [cuit].) " Too much scratching brings smarting."— [Mauritius.] 328. Trop proft ere ve" poche. (Trop de profit crdve la poche.) "Too much profit bursts one's pockets." ~l Martinique'.] 329. Tropp bijou, gade-mange" vide. (Trop de bijoux, garde-manger vide.) "Too much Jewelry, empty cupboard."— [Martinique.] S30. Vente enfle, mouces zaune te* pique li. (Le ventre enfle", les mouches jaunes 1'ont pique".)* —[Mauritius] 331. Vide ene bouteye pour rempli laute, qui li? (Vider une bouteille pour en remplir une autre, qu'est-ce?) " What's the good of emptying one bottle only to fill another ?"3— [Mauritius.] 332. * Vie cannari ka fe" bon bouillon. (Les vieux pots font les bonnes soupes.) " It'athe old pot that makes the good soup." — [Martinique. ] 333. Vie" ccq, zene poule. (Vieux coq, jeune poule.) "An old cock, a young hen."— [Mauritius.] 334. Vole pas ainmein voue canmarade yo pote sac. (Les voleurs n'aiment pas voir leurs camarades portant le sacs.) " Thieves do not like to see their comrades carrying the bags."-*— [Martinique.] 335. Vous napas va montr6 vie" zaco fdre grimaces. (Vous ne montrerez pas d un vieux singe d faire des grimaces.) " You can't teach an old monkey how to make faces."5— [Mauritius.] 336. Voye" chein, chein voye lakhe li. (Envoyez le chien, et le chien envoie sa queue.) " Send dog, and dog sends his tail."— Refers to those who obey orders only by proxy. — [Trinidad ] i In Thomas's Trinida d version : " Tout moune connaite ca qiti ka bom nans canari yeaux." In Louisiana Creole : '• Chakin connin fa kape bouilli dans so chodiere." Canari is sometimes used in our Creole, but rarely. I have only heard it in oid songs. The iron pot (chodiere) or tin utensil has superseded the canari 2 This proverb is scarcely suitable for English translation; but the forcible and pict uresque ironv of it will bj appreciated in M. Baissac's explanatory note: "Comment se Vexpliquer autrementen dehors du mariage. s Same (signification as Prov. 138. 4 Probably truer to human nature than our questionable statement concerning " honor among thieves." Mr. Bisrelow, in his contribution to Harper's Magazine, cited a similar proverb in the Haytian dialect. 5 "Teach your granny to suck eggs." 38 LITTLE DICTIONARY OF CREOLE PROVERBS. 337. Yo ka quimb^i chritiens pa langue yo, bef pa cone yo. (On prend lea Chretiens par la langue, les bcsufs par lea cornes.) " Christians are known by their tongues, oxen by their horns." (Literally, are taken by or caught by.)— {Martinique.} 338. Yon doegt pas sa pouend pice. (Un seul doigt ne peut pas attraper des puces." " One finger can't catch fleas."— [Martinique.] 339. * Yon lanmain dou6 lav 6 laute. (Fne main doit laver 1'autre.) " One hand must wash the other."— You must not depend upon others to get you out of trouble. — [Martinique^ 340. Yon mauvais paole ka blesse" plis qu'coupd'roche. (Une mauvaise parole blosse plus qu'un coup-de-pierre.) •*' A wicked word hurts more than a blow from a stone."— [Martinique.] 341. Zaco malm, li-meme t6 montre noir coment voler. (La singe est malin; c'est lui qui a montre" au noir comment on vole.) "The monkey is sly; it was he that first taught the black man how to steal."— [Mauritius.'] i Quimbe is a verb of African origin. It survives in Louisiana Creole as tchombe or chomuo : Caroline, zoliefemme, Chombo moin dans collet. [" Caroline, pretty woman ; put your arm about my neck !"— lit. : " take me by the neck."] There are other African words used by the older colored women, such as macaye, mean- ng to eat at all hours; and Ouende, of which the sense is dubious. But the Congo verbfifa, to kiss; and the verbs souye, to flatter; pougaU, to abuse violently; and such nouns as *aff (glutton), yche or iche (baby), which are preserved in other Creole dialects, are appar ently unknown in Louisiana to-day. In Chas. Jeannest's work, Quatre Annees an Congo [Paris: Charpentier, 1883], I find a scanty vocabulary of words in the Fiot dialect, the native dialect of many slaves imported into Louisiana and the West Indies. In this vocabulary the word ouenda is translated by *• partir pour." I fancy it also signifies " to be absent, and that it is synonymous with our Louisiana African-Creole ouende, preserved in the song- : Ouende, ou-nde, macaya ; Mo pas, 'harassed macaya ! Ouende, ouende, macaya ; Mo bois bon divin, macaya! Ouende, ou?n ie, macaya; Mo mang6 bon poule\ macaya! Ouentle, ouende, macaya;.. etc. This is on e of the very few songs with a purely African refrain still sung in New Orleans. The theme seems to be that, the master and mistress of a house being absent, some slave is encouraging a slave-friend to eat excessively, to "stuff himself" with wine, chicken, etc. "They are gone, friend: eat, fill yourself; I'm not a bit ashamed; stuff yourself!— I'm drinking good wine; stuff yourself !— I'm eating good chicken; gorge yourself," etc. Here ouende seems to mean " they are out ; they are gone away,"— therefore there is no danger. There is another Creole song with the same kind of double refrain, but the meaning of the African words I have not been able to discover. Nicolas, Nicolas, Nicolas, ou dindin ;" Nicolas, Nicolas, Nicolas marche ouaminon: Quand li marcb6 Ouarasi. ouarasa ! Quand li march6 Ouarasi, ouara*a! [" Nicholas, etc., you area turkey-cock! Nicholas walks ouaminon: when he walks, it is ournsi, owarosa."] The idea is obvious enough; viz.: that Nicholas struts like a turkey- cock ; but the pr ecise signification of the three italicised words I have failed to learn. LITTLE DICTIONARY OF CREOLE PROVERBS. 39 343. Zaco napas ;?u6tte so laque"e; li guette pour son camarade. (Le singe ne regarde pas sa queue ; il regarde celle de son voisin.) 41 Monkey never watches his own tail ; he watches his neighbor's." — [Mauritius.] 343. *Zaffaire ca qui sotte, chien mang6 dine" yo. (Des choses [qui appartiennent] aux sots les chiens font leur diner.) " Dogs make their dinner upon what belongs to fools."— [Louisiana.] 344. *Z ffe" cabritt pa zaff6 mouton. (L'affaire de la chdvre n'est pas 1'affaire du mouton.) " The goat's business is not the sheep's affair." 1— [Martinique.] 345. Zaff6re qui fine pass6 narien ; laute qui pour vini qui li 1 (L'affaire passe u n'est rien ; c'est 1'affaire a venir qui est le hie.) " What's past is nothing; it's what's to come that's the rub."— [Mauritius.] 346. Zamais b6f senti so corne trop iourd. (Jainais le boeuf ne sent ses cornes trop lourdes.) "The ox never finds his horns too heavy to carry." — [Mauritius.] 347. Zames disel dire li sale. (Le sel ne dit jamais qu'il est sale.) " The salt never says that it is salty." True virtue never boasts.— [Mauritius.] 348. Zaureille pas tini couv eti. (Les oreilles n'ont pas de couvcrtune.) " There is no covering for the ears."— [Martinique.! 349. Zie bake" brile zi6 neg. (Les yeux du blanc brule les yeux du negre.) " The white man's eyes burn the negro's eyes." 2— [Martinique.] 350. Zie rouge pas bou!6 savann. (Les yeux rouges ne brulent pas la savane.) "Red eyes can't burn the savannah." A better translation might be: "Red eyes can't start a prairie-fire." The meaning, is that mere anger avails nothings— [Martinique.] 351. Zoure napas ena lente>ement. (Les jurons n'ont paa d'enterrement.) "Curses don't make funerals."— [Mauritius.] 353. Zozo paillenqui crie la-haut, coudevent vini. (Le paille-en-cul crie la-haut, le coup de vent vient.) "When the tropic-bird screams overhead, a storm-wind is coming."— [Mauritius.] 1 Seems to be the same in all Creole dialects, excepting that the rabbit is sometimes substituted for the sheep. 2 3eke is translated by blanc in Turiault's work ; but the witty author of Les Bambous writes : Neg se dit pour esclave, et beke pour maitre. Therefore perhaps a more correct translation would be : " The master's eyes burn the slave's eyes." The phrase recalls a curious refrain which used to be sung by Louisiana field-hands : Tout, tout, pays blanc— Danie qui commande, Danie qui commande fa / Danie qui commande. [" All, all the country white " (white-man's country) ; "Daniel has so commanded," etc. I do not know whether the prophet Daniel is referred to. 3 In the G-uyane patois, they gay : "